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    Live Out Your Dreams

    After several years of working in commercial real estate, Dr. Trey Wofford of Palmetto Vet Calls decided that real estate with its stress and busyness wasn’t where he was meant to be. He discussed his options with his wife, Melanie, and she encouraged him to follow his true passion. So with her support, he began the journey of becoming a veterinarian. 


    With three young children, this was not an easy path for Trey and Melanie to take. They would have been much more comfortable staying in Atlanta and living in their dream home with a steady income. But instead they packed up and moved to Tuskegee, Alabama for Trey to attend vet school at the historically black school, Tuskegee University. 


    For the Woffords, living as the minority at Tuskegee was an incredible experience. The university had students from all around the world in attendance, exposing their young children to a multitude of cultures and ethnicities. And as people who had always thought themselves to be committed to racial reconciliation, this was a chance to see how it felt to be on the other side of things. Overall, Trey and Melanie felt that they were able to learn a great deal about others’ struggles all while Trey was receiving an amazing education. 


    The couple also learned a valuable lesson about following your dreams. Throughout the process, there were plenty of occasions where they doubted they would make it through. However, each time they began to feel discouraged, they were reminded that they were exactly where they were meant to be. Living out your passions is not always the easy route, but Trey and Melanie are proof that it’s worth the hard work. Thanks to their leap of faith, Trey is now able to do what he really loves and make a difference in the community through his meaningful work as a veterinarian.